In an effort to compromise with Repubs (why?), Biden knocked about 25% off his Infrastructure Bill.

 The Pubs countered with....Nothing, sticking to their low-ball bid. If you remember, (and Pubs have a hard time remembering, things like Jan 6), Dotard promised an Infrastructure Bill for five years, just like his Health Care bill, that was all just Repub Bullshit, as always.

Now, the Pubs are stone-walling cuz they are the Fiscally (excuse me while I laugh my ass off) Responsible party, UNLESS it’s a $2 TRILLION give-away to the top 1%, in other words, Dotard’s buddies.

Excuse me, but if I gotta explain it, you(R) wouldn’t understand, with your head deeply and firmly implanted, getting your ‘news’ from a Propaganda Network. Don’t believe me? Look up the origins of FOXNews, with Roger Ailes, Head Repub Political Strategist, creating Bullshit Mountain, with Rupert Murdoch, (who just wanted a bunch of $$), as an ‘alternative’ to real news, 100% dedicated to trashing Dems and electing Pubs.

AND, it became wildly successful, for the gullible sheep ‘out there’. It would be like me getting my news from MSNBC, the totally biased Dem network that I don’t even watch. BUT, the sheep swallow Bullshit Mountain crap like it’s ‘real’.

What a joke, like the morons(R) who believe the crap.


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