I really wonder, WTF happened, to convince the sheep(R), that all the news we grew up with,

 ABC, NBC, CBS CNN, REUTERS, NPR,  all the late night comics, and basically ALL the news outlets, were LYING, and only FOX, the Repub propaganda outlet, was/is telling the truth?

WTF is wrong with these morons(R), who can shut off their brains, and swallow the Repub line, that only FOX and their collection of clowns can trump science and facts?

WTF happened to reality and facts?

Why would these formerly semi-intelligent people give up on reality?

How did these people see Trump as their savior? A morally bankrupt conman, grabbing pussy and banging porn stars became the Christian’s hero? A grifter who wouldn’t admit he LOST, and threw out the Big Lie?

WTF is wrong with these morons(R)?

They sold out to Bullshit mountain, but WHY?

In short, it’s what they WANT to swallow/believe. Nothing new here, but sickening.....


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