A bit of truth, for the FOXSheep that don’t get it….

 What is Rupert Murdoch’s rationale for not retracting? Not that the truth is still in doubt. He admitted he 'never believed' that Dominion rigged the election. And he 'could have' stopped the defamatory statements from airing at the time “[b]ut I didn’t.' Yet he believes it is 'too late' to retract and refuses to apologize," the filing said.

It also noted that some skeptical hosts "stopped airing the allegations because they knew they would have to 'tell the truth' if they did so," and pointed to host Laura Ingraham.

The filing said she'd admitted at her deposition that by Nov. 12, she “'made the decision not to air the false allegations of Dominion.' (Of course, she did not tell her audience then the allegations were false—and still has not.)"


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