Trump is hardly the first Repub to use The Big Lie on the American people. Twenty years ago, this week, GWBush, the puppet of

 Dick Cheney, Big Oil and the military industrial complex, LIED us into the Iraq War, citing mushroom clouds and yellow cake uranium that didn’t exist, BUT, was a great excuse for the Big Oil families of Bush and Cheney to raise the price of oil from under $14 to over $140 per barrel. Rummy Rumsfeld, and his ties to YUUUGE military/weapons/munitions profits were all part of the plan that cost trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of casualties.

When pressed for an answer of WHY the US attacked Iraq Rummy said with a laugh, ‘It’s a target rich environment!’ When CIA agent Valerie Plame tried to explain that it was impossible for Hussein to have the capability of nuclear weapons, she was outed and her clandestine contacts compromised and killed. Cuz she told truth to power when the Pubs wanted their WAR.

Twenty years later we ask WHY and what did we gain, other than YUUUGE profits for Big Oil and the military industrial complex as FOXNews banged the drums and the Repubs got their wish for a war that lasted for nearly twenty years, wrecked that part of the world and made PTSD a common term among the homeless, drug ravaged vets who were the pawns in Pub ‘war for profit’.

If you don’t understand, you ain’t trying and should remove your deeply implanted noggin.

Seeing Bullshit Mountain stoke the fires and beat the drums for the highly profitable, (for some), Repub war was the impetus for this Aunty Fox blog that still finds FOXLies running amok, spouting crap to hide the truth, put assholes like Donald Trump in power and twist January 6th into a gathering of peaceful tourists.

Finally, the Dominance Lawsuit is bringing to light how things operate behind closed doors at the propaganda outlet founded by Roger Ailes and financed by Rupert Murdoch, but the gullible ignorant sheep aren’t reading or seeing it, cuz FOX is ignoring the $1.6 billion suit and the sheep don’t give a shit about the truth, anyway.

After twenty years, some things never change….


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