Benedict Donald claims he’s gonna be arrested on Tuesday, and wants massive protests if/when it happens.

 Sooo, rightwingnuts, do you think he actually DIDNT pay off Stormy McD, and then LIE about it, during an election, OR, do you think Captain Chaos is above the law and should be treated differently than everyone else?

Either the ‘Law’ applies to everyone, or it doesn’t. BTW, inciting an insurrection, sending StormTrumpers to occupy the Capitol is also illegal as is calling for someone to ‘find’ enough votes to overturn an election.

As for illegal, running a NYC real estate scam for Russian oligarchs to launder their ill gotten rubles is also illegal as is continually claiming Bankruptcy, while stealing all the cash out of a company and stiffing the investors, suppliers and workers, as Dotard has done multiple times. AND, it’s illegal to run a fake Foundation and ‘University’ and steal the cash from unsuspecting students, but the asshole has already been fined for that.

Withholding US aid money, needed to fight Russian aggression, until Ukraine can ‘find some dirt’ on his political foe is also highly illegal, BUT his Repub cohorts squashed that, like they have shot down every investigation that they inherited.

How about stealing hundreds of classified and top secret documents, lying about having them, and then claiming ‘witch hunt’ when part of the hidden stash is found? I could go on and on but why? We all know the asshole is guilty, but only some of us care. The rest watch Bullshit Mountain and don’t have a clue, cuz they don’t cover things like the Dominion Voting System lawsuit, where FOX continually LIED to the gullible ignorant sheep about a Stolen Election they KNEW wasn’t true, cuz gullible ignorant sheep keep voting Repub, which is the entire reason for FOXLies…..


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