Am so NOT surprised, that all the FOXSheep are just ‘crickets’ after their ‘news’ channel paid almost a BILLION dollars

 for LYING to their gullible ignorant base, who swallowed the crap and rioted at the Capitol, trying to hang the VP, injuring over 140 policemen and smearing feces in the halls, all based on LIES from Nostra Dumbass and catapulted by Bullshit Mountain, to the head up their ass crowd.

Yet, all I hear from the jerks is ‘nothing was proven’.

WTF? Rupert and his clown crew paid YUUUGE $ so they wouldn’t have to testify, under oath, and now Bullshit Mountain can keep up the charade and the morons can keep their heads firmly and deeply implanted.

Nothing new here, but I get SO sick of it, as the sheep swallow the crap and act like it’s candy.


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