I began my blog, as Aunty FOX, about 20 years ago, with a mission statement to Expose Bullshit Mountain as the Professional Liars that they are.

 This was when G Dub and The Dick Cheney attacked Iraq, based on LIES, and the Propaganda Outlet of FOXNews beat the drums of war, passing on the LIES about yellow cake uranium, mushroom clouds and Saddam’s nuclear stockpile. 

None of which existed, BUT, the Pubs wanted their war, and the Bush and Cheney Big Oil family dynasties liked $140 barrel oil better than oil at $14 per barrel.

Twenty years, hundreds of thousands of deaths, millions of injuries and trillions of dollars, and hundreds of thousands of vet with PTSD later, what did we ‘win’, other that world’s Number One villain? 

Now, FOX has been held ‘somewhat’ responsible for the LIES that helped the ‘Bag of Toxic Sludge’ to become prez of the US and incite a bloody insurrection, based on LIES, when he LOST the election.

I feel somewhat vindicated, and am looking forward to seeing the FOXClowns have their feet held to the fire in the upcoming suits.

I can hardly wait…


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