For the FOXSheep, who get very little REAL news, when it comes to the Dominion lawsuit, that’s already cost the lying clowns about $787 million, and there’s a BUNCH more to come.

 It also cost Tucker his job. As a bonus, we got to see a bunch of his emails, where he claimed he NEVER believed the Stolen Election bullshit, (but he broadcast crap, like he did), and we saw what he actually thought of Trumpty Dumpty. According to several emails, he hates the lying sack o’ shit, like the large majority of Americans, who get REAL news, not the Bullshit Mountain version.

The version that’s gonna cost the Dumpster Fire of ‘news’ organizations well over a billion dollars before it’s over.

But will the sheep give a shit that FOX LIES? 

Of course not. They never have and never will, cuz they get to hear what they wanna hear, and that’s why they watch. Uninformed, misinformed, and ignorant cuz of it? 

Who cares… They’re the sheep, and ain’t gonna change, just cuz Rupert, Sean, Tucker and others caused a violent insurrection, based on LIES, begun by Dirtbag Donnie, about a Stolen Election.


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