As we learn more about the ‘coup’ in Russia, led by Gen Prigozhin, it seems he wasn’t the only prominent Russian interfering in the US election, ALL of them with the intent of putting someone in office who would severely damage our country.

 And it worked. In an election decided by less than 90,000 votes, spread over three Rust Belt states, they put ‘their boy’ in office, and got the results they wanted, as the asshole destroyed the name of America, all across the world, withdrawing from the Paris Accord, Pacific Rim partnerships designed to limit China, and Donnie Dipstick nearly destroyed NATO as he continually threatened to pull out. plus the disastrous tariffs with China, that he claimed THEY were paying, when it was just the opposite.

Could go ON AND ON, but the point is, there were MANY Russian trolls working to install Putin’s Pet in the White House, and it worked…

He gained attention in the U.S. when he AND A DOZEN OTHER Russian nationals were charged with operating a covert social media campaign aimed at fomenting discord ahead of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential election victory. 


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