So, when most of his White House staff and Cabinet appointees wrote books, claiming Dotard is an arrogant, egotistical, incompetent, ‘lying piece of shit’ or ‘a f**king moron’,’ (Rex Tillerson, Sec of State’s exact words)

 including his Atty Gen, Wm Barr, his lawyer, Cohen, and accountant, Weisselman, go to jail for carrying out his wishes, they’re all liars, including a dozen women who claim sexual attacks, although he’s caught on tape, bragging about ‘grabbing them by the pussy’, (which powerful men have been for over a million years, according to the Orange Turd).

When the FBI and DOJ charge him with stealing documents, he lies about it (although he’s on tape admitting it) and says they are all corrupt. 

When he claims COVID is under control and will be gone by summer, he ignores it, (after eliminating the Pandemic Response Team), over a million die, and it’s Fauci’s fault.

When Benedict Donald asks his armed traitors to come to Wash DC on Jan 6, cuz it’s gonna be a ‘wild time’, it’s a plot by Antifa.

When he loses the election by over 7 million votes, it’s because of fraudulent voting machines, and it’s a Stolen Election.

And all his CRAP is happily swallowed by the gullible ignorant sheep.

Now, when he’s down in the polls, it’s all a PLOT against him, as he claims;

“The Quinnipiac Poll FoxNews keeps showing on “TRUMP” vs. Biden is not just an old Poll, it is a BAD Poll,” Trump wrote Monday on Truth Social.

Of course, Dotard, you are NEVER wrong, it’s always everyone else, cuz they are PICKING ON YOU, you lying piece of crap…..


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