Some more from my buddy Dave, who can ‘put into words’ what most of us can only think.

The Trump Show is just shameless and relentless con artistry writ large, B) So many people apparently lead lives that are so bereft of personal fulfillment that they largely live vicariously through various fantasy worlds like banal superhero movies, pro wrestling, hallucinatory TikTok fame – and utterly venal con artists like Trump.


And C) So many people love Trump precisely because he is so irredeemably and congenitally boorish, bigoted, bullying, crude, vulgar, vengeful and willfully ignorant.  He’s a flashing neon role model for the tens millions of “deplorables” (there’s really no other word for them) who “wish they could be just like Trump” - so they could gleefully piss all over everyone else with impunity.


In many ways, we’re a nation full of barely-repressed psychopaths - who viscerally yearn for a Psychopath-in-Chief to unlock and activate their collective inner 5th-grade bully.


Have a Nice Day…


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