Trump’s latest indictments caused various reactions around the world, from shrugs to outrage, that military secrets aren’t safe in American hands.

 “The case shows once again that Donald Trump belongs behind bars, not in the White House,” Ralf Stegner, a German Social Democrat who sits on the German intelligence oversight committee, said in a text message, adding: “This man is a threat to security and democracy in the U.S. and around the world.”

Also, the criminal conman continues to destroy our democracy, by always blaming law enforcement, for his crimes.

“Trump seems to be politically quite happy about being able to be the victim and the martyr, because it does appear to energize his base,” arguing that with a Republican Party seemingly wedded to such a leader, “Europe needs to take care much more of its own security.”

Many news media outlets were even more merciless in their critiques of the former president.

“Neglect, narcissistic desire for possession, lying, concealment. But above all, absolute disregard for national security,” an article in the French daily Le Monde declared in its coverage.

Duh, ya think?


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