I think Trump’s continual and blatant LYING will have long term effects on our country.

 How many impressionable children, and adults, will look at LYING as a justifiable strategy for getting what they want?

Well, the president did/does it, and look how it helped/helps him! Why should I be different?

I happen to live in an extended family where lying is commonplace, and it is known that you ‘just can’t believe’ what some people say. This can and does destroy relationships. When it becomes a common activity on a national scale, led by Der Trumpkof, the results can’t be good, BUT, why would the lying ashore change his strategy, when it has worked so well for him? And tens of millions are either so gullible and/or ignorant they don’t know, OR, more likely, just don’t give a shit.

For these sheep, a (R) after a politician’s name is carte blanche to do/say anything, cuz they have been conditioned by FOXNews that the Dems are SO bad, that no matter what a Repub says or does, it’s preferable to having any (D) in office.

And Dotard has used this fact to lie about anything and everything, all the time. With zero consequences.

What does this say about our country and those who support the lying OPS?


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