Seems I’m not the only one who noticed. James Comer’s continuing BULLSHIT about ‘we have a bunch of evidence proving Biden bribes, and we’ll show you TOMORROW or later’,

 is just like the My Pillow Guy moron, and his PROOF of the fraudulent election.

And yup, the same gullible ignorant sheep fall for the same bullshit.

Now FOXNews is even noticing….

Fox News analyst Juan Williams dismissed growing claims by GOP lawmakers that whistleblowers have damning evidence on the Bidens. (Watch the video below.)

The allegations amount to “a bunch of rumors and innuendo and no hard evidence,” Williams said Friday on the conservative channel. He compared the assertions to the Democrats’ flawed Steele dossier, written by former British spy Christopher Steele, that contained lurid accusations of Donald Trump romping with sex workers in Russia.


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