I rant here, not cuz I think I’m gonna change any minds, but as a RELEASE for myself, so I don’t argue with the rightwingnuts in my life or make any plans for a visit to a Boss Hogg rally with, (from about 400 yards), my 300 Win Mag. Although I wish, for the good of our country, someone would…. And, I rail against Repubs, which isn’t really fair, cuz SOME of them, though not nearly enough, are also Never-Trumpers, as they remember what the formerly respectable party USED to be, before being taken over by a morally bankrupt, arrogant, LYING, criminal/grifter/conman. I am NOT a Dem, (although I lean about 60/40 liberal), cuz a lot of their policies really suck, BUT, compared to Trump Republicans they are total geniuses. Alriiiighty then, there’s my disclaimer so I can continue to expose Bullshit Mountain (and Captain Bonespurs) as the worst thing to happen to America since Rupert Murdoch decided to make BILLIONS from the gullible and ignorant among us, who have given up truth and fa...