The rightwingnuts are in chorus, as to the main reasons they hate Biden, and are for Boss Hogg.

 The price of gas and groceries! Interest rates! Inflation!

The morons(R) don’t realize, cuz they get their ‘news’ from Bullshit Mountain, that inflation, and all that it entails, is a worldwide problem, after COVID and the war in Ukraine, with the US doing far better than Europe and the rest of the world, with old Joe in charge.

As for the US debt, Dotard was much worse than Joe and the Dems.

BUT, don’t tell that to the gullible, ignorant sheep who depend on FOX for their biased view of the world, where FACTS don’t matter, after the ‘Stolen Election’. 

HA! What a joke, that just ain’t funny, as you realize how many people get their reality from a propaganda channel(R).


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