The clowns at FOX are at it again. For MONTHS the jerks have claimed to have evidence that Joe took $, under some nefarious plot, and have had at least a dozen HEADLINES claiming that Comer, or some other lying Repub jerk had the gods on him. BUT,

 The asshole of Bullshit Mountain NEVER come up with anything but unfounded allegations.

And today’s the same old shit.

Joe Biden received $40K in 'laundered China money' from brother in 2017, Comer says

Yup, ‘Comer says’, AGAIN!
The clowns have to have something to fade the heat from the LYING criminal conman that runs their party, SO, poor old Joe is the easy target, with a bunch of LIES, that never have any facts behind them.
Republican ‘businessman as usual’ that gets SO old….


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