As long as I’m venting/ranting here, (cuz I’m home with a bad ankle instead of golfing), I gotta get to my MAIN peeve.

 And that’s the Bible thumping Trumpies.

These people who think they are SO righteous, and some of them kinda are, support the morally bankrupt Anti-Christ, cuz he’s followed the tried and true Repub plan of catering to the largest voting bloc in the US.

While they laugh their asses off at the ‘gullible, suckers, schmucks, losers’ (quotes from Trump staff concerning Christians), behind their backs.

Just get a photo op, holding a Bible, and a few million more sheep come into the fold.

They turn a blind eye(s) to sex crimes, infidelity, lying, cheating, calling American heroes like John McCain SUCKERS for serving in the military, running a scam University, scam Foundation, driving away long time world allies, countless lies and scams, and I could go on and on, but WHY?

They don’t care! 

Like Boss Hogg says. ‘I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it.’

Am not a Biden fan, but he at least isn’t completely evil, like his opponent, whose second term would be a vengeful purge, the like of which hasn’t been seen outside of his wannabe dictator buddies home countries.

Can civil war be out of the question, no matter who wins the next election?


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