I have No Problem with those who make an effort to be informed, look at the facts and lean Conservative or Liberal.

 I’m about 55—45 Liberal leaning myself. 

BUT I’m a 100% Trump hater, cuz I REALLY don’t like morally bankrupt, insurrection inciting, arrogant, LYING, criminal conmen. That’s just me.

What I can’t stand are those who get their ‘news’ from one place, and that place only gives One Side of the ‘news’, which is worse than no news at all.

It leaves the sheep ignorant, therefore gullible, while they are uninformed and misinformed.

If you doubt me, just look for any Headlines or major stories on FOX that aren’t blatantly Anti Dem or Pro Pub.

The real world ain’t like that.

But Bullshit Mountain is. And that’s why they lost their laughable ‘Fair and Balanced’ moniker and got fined over $780 million, with more and bigger fines in the pipeline.

Hey sheep, just remember Smartmatic, the next plaintiff in the FOXLies lawsuit parade, where Rupert and crew found out, ‘Hey, who da thunk it’s ILLEGAL to knowingly publish/broadcast LIES’, no matter how much the sheep want/love it?

Check it out, and show me where I’m wrong. 

Once you go over to dark side, the totally biased, one sided, Conservative Only view of the news, it’s all over, as you actually swallow the crap from Sean, Tucker and crew, thinking, wow, what America needs now is a wannabe dictator, with no qualms about LYING, committing crimes, raping women and even inciting a bloody insurrection, based on LIES about a Stolen Election that over sixty courts, mostly Republican, said was total bullshit.

Yup, Bullshit Mountain and Boss Hogg. Just what America needs…..


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