Robert De Niro was pissed, last night at the Gotham Awards, cuz part of his acceptance speech, concerning Boss Hogg, was removed from his teleprompter. Robert has the old fashioned idea that criminals should be punished for their crimes… Remember when the Pubs were the Law and Order party? Pre Dotard days..

 “History isn’t history anymore. Truth is truth. Facts are being replaced with lies.”

“Lying has become just another tool in the charlatan’s arsenal. The former president lied to us more than 30,000 times during his four years in office, and he’s keeping up the pace in his current campaign of retribution,” said De Niro. “But with all of his lies, he can’t hide his soul. He attacks the weak, destroys the gifts of nature and shows his disrespect for example, by using ‘Pocahontas’ as a slur.”

Furious Robert De Niro Realizes Anti-Trump Lines Cut From Teleprompter Mid-Speech

What will happen within our society, as young people are taught that there are no consequences for lying and cheating, as the president of our country is a morally bankrupt, LYING conman, and is rewarded for his continued crimes.

Ain’t gonna be good….. Why be honest and moral, when lying and cheating pays such rewards?

George Santos, FINALLY may be sanctioned by the Pubs. Maybe….but they’re voted to retain him for the last couple of years, just like they are rallying behind Captain Bonespurs, who mocks veterans as ‘suckers and losers’.

Same old shit from the formerly respectable Republican Party.


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