Did anyone else notice? I-25 was shut down, for FOUR hours today, because there was some SALT spilled on it. It took the Bush Boy agency, Homeland Security, 4 hours to decide it was salt spilled on the highway. 4 hours, folks. Hiway closed. But, these boys got to justify their huge paychecks. Protecting us from the 'Bad Guys'. They ARE the bad guys. Incompetent jerks. Never mind, don't want to be unpatriotic......
Guest columnist
Because I'm sorta stuck in an Anti-Bush rant.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D99NHb6B03s Can you imagine all those rapper stars with these things? Of course, they'd have to have theirs with 'da bling! Can't be standard, gawd no! And of course, Britney's gotta have one in her car. Paris with her pooch totin' one on the red carpet at some fete. The boys in 'da hood will have a field day on their daily drive bys. P Diddy will wear his on a chain around his neck. You suppose there will be special pockets made in jeans for these things? Trailer trash folks will have 'em camouflaged. Jeff Foxworthy will have to come up with some fresh Redneck stuff. Think George W. will get one, each for the twins? Don't forget Dickie boy for those spur of the moment huntin' trips. Of course Ma Babs will have hers with pearls. Think it will affect the Royals? I can imagine Charles and Camilia on their fox hunt...........ah yes, and Prince Philip, too, must include the...