Dueling kid's/spouses,

in the kitchen. I bet that's a line that's NEVER been used before. Our Sunday got off to a wonderful start as lovely Laura dropped off a delicious homemade (western slope) peach pie. Yummmm... But then, Ted entered the (competition?) with his 'Elkanoff' dish, which is a specialized beef Stroganoff, made with elk. Yummmm... I know I can't declare a winner, but I love the level of competition. Keep it up, kids. Round two starts next weekend.


Anonymous said…
Yes, it was a wonderful food day! Stay outta that pie!
Anonymous said…
Round 2?!? Does that mean dualing parents? That sounds fabulous,just no pork, beets and green chili.
Fam Guy said…
But that's my favorite recipe. It'll start to grow on ya, if you give it a chance.

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