The FOX whackos,

have a hard time with Obama negotiating with Iran, Venezuela, etc. They liked W's postion of not speaking without preset conditions being met, as in, agreeing that they're wrong and we're right. I wonder how that works when Georgie boy and wife Laura have a disagreement. I can just hear him saying, "I ain't talkin' to you 'til you admit you're WRONG!" I know it would sure work well at my house. It sure doesn't work for diplomacy and world peace, BUT, if your main objective is to drive up the price of oil, it's FANTASTIC strategy...


Anonymous said…
You are right ! Any time you want to admit you're wrong I will beginning talking to you again.
ladyj said…
Anon....are you a member of my family?.....they believe I'm wrong in everything I think & believe also. I'm so thankful I don't wear blinders.
Fam Guy said…
Gotta love that Bush picture.

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