New poll shows,

most Americans, 52%, have an UNfavorable view of Sarah Palin. My first reaction was, right on!, but the more I think about it, I'm not that negaative toward her. She's good looking, fairly intelligent, and is a great capitalist. My problem is with people who think she's presidential material. Are you sh****ng me? Where would anyone get that idea, other from FOXNews, etc? One thing I DO hate about her, is her voice, as she screeches, 'Who loves their freedom, huh, who loves their freedom?', then waits for the sheep to cheer. Like fingernails on a chalkboard. Hot former governor, fast buck artist, yes. Presidential material? RU kidding?


ladyj said…
That is such a tacky photo..worse than Jane Fonda mounted on a Viet Cong gun perch. At least she wasn't half naked and wearing the American flag as a bikini, for God's sake! Palin is a mother of (what) 4 kids and a grandmother...have some morals, woman.
Anonymous said…
And there are those whose objections have a physiological basis as well as an ideological one: the pitch and timbre of her voice, the rhythms of her speech, her syntax, and the way she coats acid and incoherence with cheery musical inflections join together in a sickening synergy that distresses the listener, triggering a fight-or-flight reaction. When Palin talks, my whole being wails.
ladyj said…
you said it all and a gun rack to you!

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