Don't know who, or how,

but someone's messin' w/my blog. Deleting and changing stuff. Weird...


Anonymous said…
It's google. The blog service has been down for a while. They supposedly did maintenance Wed night and broke something... Some blogs were removed, and from what I understand they are frantically trying to restore everythine.
Fam Guy said…
Hmmm. Thanx anon, whoever you are. That seems better than someone messing w/me.
Ranny said…
Fam Guy said…
Hey Ran, don't remember asking for your biggest problem, but appreciate you being so honest.
ladyj said…
Don't pick on Ranny, he can't help his problem. It was all that sex in his youth......
Fam Guy said…
That explains his wrist and elbow problems.
ladyj said…
that's another reason he had to take up golf....he had to hold onto something stiff.
Ranny said…
I sense a lot of love here
ladyj said…
In your case Ranny, you "feel" alot of love. Fore..........

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