Don't like to brag, TOO much,

but occasionally, I make a good meal, like tonight. I did some boneless chicken thighs, ka-bobs, with Teriaki and BBQ sauce, glazed w'butter, to make the edges crispy, but the inside was still juicy. Served with split zucchini, on the grill and coleslaw. Really good, if I gotta say so, myself. Tasty and healthy. Yummmm.


ladyj said…
I do like to brag and I make very delicious meals.
Ranny said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
ladyj said…
Ah come on..what was posted? I can take the heat.
Fam Guy said…
Someone's messing w/me again. I didn't delete anything.
ladyj said…
who is able to do that?
Ranny said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
ladyj said…
I will say to whomever is removing posts to stop messing around with this blog. It is wrong and disrespectful to the individual who owns this space. You want to fool around, get your own Blog, then let me know and I'll come on yours and mess around.
Fam Guy said…
Have no idea what's going on here. I haven't deleted a thing.
ladyj said…
seems like once a comment is "published" it shouldn't be deleted or be abled to be deleted by the "author", only be the owner of the Blog, itself. A few weeks ago, I poosted a commet about Roger Ailes and by golly, the next day it had been deleted by someone who evidently didn't appreciate what I had posted. Now I call that unfair. And I'd really like to know who this Chickenshit is! Gutless wonder............
Anonymous said…
Geeeezzzz ladyJ....I was just pokin a little fun at you...Deja Vu
Fam Guy said…
If you, as someone making a comment, on my blog, decides to remove it, can you? I think that's what's happening. Prob'ly Ranny, being nasty, then having 2nd thoughts.
Ranny said…
Poor little old Ranny just doesn't get no respect....and by the way StevO you really do like to BRAG
Fam Guy said…
ALready admitted that, just daid I didn't want to brag TOO much. Sorry if my cooking story offended you. What did you remove, twice?
ladyj said…
Ranny, Deja Vu or not, it's not nice to fool with Mama Nature. Pay backs can get real nasty. Somebody can get a blowout in their golf cart tire or a bent shaft on their putter.
And yes, Stevo does like to brag.
Fam Guy said…
I can see how just doing my blog (diary) about my life might seem like bragging. Sorry, I'm a very flawed person. ALways have been, but trying to get better. Long, slow process..
ladyj said…
We all have flaws Steve-ereno, however you're man enough to admit it. Bully for you. On the other hand, Ranman, can't find his other hand.

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