A good conspiracy theory,

has to contain big money, power, or both, be on a large stage, and be somewhat believable. While researching an investment I came across some interesting facts. Porter Stansberry is a 'gold bug' investor who has been predicting the collapse of the US economy since gold was under $400/oz and silver $5. Part of his doom and gloom scenario includes the IMF wanting to remove the dollar as the world's 'reserve currency' which it has been, since WWII. As it is, oil and all major commodities are linked to the dollar, and every nation is locked into the US dollar for it's imports and exports. Many powerful nations don't like this, esp since the US has been fabricating $ out of thin air, to buy the bonds that support the gov't, SO, there have been secret meetings, ( read it here--http://www.saloforum.com/index.php?threads/arab-states-make-secret-moves-with-france-russia-and-china-to-dump-dollar.615 )
 involving Russia, China, the Arab Nations and France, to change the 'reserve currency' of the world. Won't get into their plan, of creating 'SDR's', which are a basket of different currencies and precious metals. If they were successful, the US couldn't simply print money anymore, and would have to compete, with an honest interest rate, in the market place, to sell the bonds that finance the trillions of dollars of unsecured debt and day to day operations. It would absolutely kill the US economy, as we know it, but vastly help the rest of the world. Read the Feb, 2011 article, here--http://money.cnn.com/2011/02/10/markets/dollar/index.htm

The head of these VERY rich and powerful people and gov'ts? Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the IMF, who predicted being set up, in an interview in April of 2011, just happened to be arrested, in NYC, for raping a hotel maid. A man that could easily pay for all the sex he ever wanted, was quoted, in April, by the British newspaper, The Guardian, that he could see himself becoming the victim of a honey trap: "a woman raped in a car park and who's been promised 500,000 or a million euros to invent such a story... ."

Coincidence? Maybe, but I doubt it. He was the head of an organization that was gonna kill the US economy, and was getting close. Would the US gov't do such a thing? Absolutely. The same type of people that would kill JFK, and invade an oil country, based on lies, would do it. Did they? Should have they? Who knows. Makes for a good conspiracy theory, though. Don't believe it? Just Google the facts. It's all there....


ladyj said…
It was probably Arnold...........

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