The Post printed my letter

Posted May 18, 2011, 5:18 pmSo much for GOP’s “laser-like focus” on jobsBy Denver Post Opinions

The Republicans ran in 2010, promising a “laser-like focus” on jobs. Since then, they have instead focused on President Obama’s birth certificate, Planned Parenthood, releasing the Osama bin Laden photos, the rapper Common getting invited to the White House and so on … everything but jobs.
The Republican plan is the same as their plan under President Bush, when they controlled everything — tax cuts for corporations and the rich and let Wall Street regulate itself.So how did that work out? The Republicans took the largest budget surplus America ever had and turned it into the largest deficit. Letting Wall Street police itself led directly to the financial meltdown and the recession.
So, please, Republicans, focus on President Obama’s college papers, high school transcripts, whatever, I don’t care. Just stay away from your “laser-like focus” on jobs. America can’t afford it again.


Anonymous said…
Did you really write that?
Fam Guy said…
No, but I could have.

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