Had no idea,

until I looked into the 'Stats', on my blog, how many 'foreigners' read me. Glad to help inform them.
Canada 336 Russia 328 Malaysia 316 Spain 255 United Kingdom 248 Netherlands 210 Germany 182 France 139 Luxembourg 102, and so on...


Anonymous said…
That's scary. Those people believe you.
Fam Guy said…
Someone's gotta put the truth out there, when you got FOX and their lies, grabbing the headlines. Glad to help...
ladyj said…
oh, you don't know if they believe him or not. You evidently don't, but you continue to read his blog. DUH
ladyj said…
And besides nobody from those countries he mentioned has taken responsibility for bombing the 9th hole of the golf course!
Fam Guy said…
He's a right wing loser and I hope he's gone for a while, but who knows.
ladyj said…
He lurks and on days of constipation, he strikes!
Anonymous said…
That is very interesting! I think it is very awesome. Wonder how they come across your blog?

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