In typical FOXNews fashion,

they trumpeted the news. "More People Prefer FOXNews". Oh Really? The poll gave only 3 choices. CNN, MSNBC and FOX. The sheep chose FOX, which won by a couple of percentage points over CNN and a few more over MSNBC. What is obvious, is that the sheep had one horse in the race, while the non-sheep split their vote, but still FOX got only a pitiful lead, at 36.1%. AND, the major networks, that have REAL news, weren't even included in the poll. Typical FOX bullshit, from Aisles and Murdoch, who've substituted Republican propaganda, for 'news'.


Anonymous said…
Find someone new to pick on.
Fam Guy said…
I don't pick on 'em, just relay the crap they do. It's a full time job.
ladyj said…
Seems as though you're being picked on.
Fam Guy said…
Yup. Sometimes I feel like a big scab.
Anonymous said…
It's amazing how you can twist things. This was a independent poll of the three CABLE "news" networks. I put news in quotes because all three rely heavily on commentary. The poll doesn't prove that fox news is lying about anything. And your few percentage points between Fox and CNN is actually that twice as many respondents choose Fox over MSNBC, which is probably the most heavily biased and b.s. network that has ever existed.

It's sad that many people think like you.
ladyj said…
want some cheese with that whine?
Fam Guy said…
I don't watch MSNBC cuz they are biased, but I do keep an eye on FOX, cuz they are so biased it's laughable. At least it keeps all the crazies in one box so you can keep an eye on them. BTW, they lie CONSTANTLY. It's sad that so many paople 'don't think' like you, but believe the crap flowing out of FOX.
Fam Guy said…
I was starting to get concerned. If I can't rile up a red neck like you, Tex, what good am I?
ladyj said…
Move 'em on, head 'em up, head 'em out, ride 'em in, let 'em out, cut 'em out, ride 'em in, Raw Hide!!! You go Tex!
Rollin' rollin, rollin' tho your cheeks are swollen.........

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