It was initially reported,

that the airliner, that hit the Pentagon, hit the west side, cuz that would have been the obvious place, for a plane that was hijacked straight west of there, BUT, the airliner actually performed a peculiar circuitous flight plan, to hit the south side, right in the center of an area that was under remodel, and pretty much uninhabited. Sorta like woulda happened if the planners wanted to 'hit the Pentagon', but not really kill their buddies there. Scary, huh? This is a great site that shows some of what the gov't didn't want us to see.


Anonymous said…
A Boeing 757 was never found at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Eyewitnesses saw no tail, fuselage, or wings belonging to a plane. There were no luggage or body parts, and the grass was perfectly manicured. Buildings do not swallow planes. What happened to 60 tons of plane and 5,300 gallons of fuel? Why did the government confiscate all of the tapes from the 84 cameras that were fixed on the Pentagon that day and may have caught whatever actually happened?
Fam Guy said…
Gov't agents also took the tapes from several gas stations and security tapes from all businesses and warehouses that could have shown the 'airplane' that hit the Pentagon. THey were never seen again.
Fam Guy said…
The 'airplane' that hit the pentagon apparently had no wings or engines, from the hole it left in the ext of the building. The fire that destroyed all the bodies, seats and aircraft parts inside the Pentagon, didn't singe or melt the computers and other plastic shown in photos afterward.
Fam Guy said…
The original CNN reporters on the scene, said, no way it's an airplane, cuz there's no bodies, seats, luggage, and then govt people came in and closed the area.

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