OK, I know this is gonna

piss off some people, but sometimes I just want them to wake up and use the brain they were born with. When you get a LOT of people who don't care about facts, and are proud of the fact that they, 'take it on faith', you got a treasure trove for a political organization. Joila! The Christian, Repub Party unholy alliance is born. These people don't need any proof, they just take stuff 'on faith', and are PROUD that they can 'turn off their brain' when there's a conflict between fact and faith. This was HUGE, when Karl Rove and those of his ilk realized the possibilities. Hence, the modern Repub Party/Christian coalition. Speak of God and patriotism and you instantly get millions of knee jerk votes. Scary, but very true, as most voters really don't have the time or inclination to follow facts. When you have millions of people who believe the earth is 5000 years old, and actually believe in a literal Noah's Ark, they will believe ANYTHING, and politicians will pay big money for that mailing list. Hence, the rise of the GWBush's, Perry's and Bachmann's who are so popular with the Repub/Christian base, and they will re-elect someone like GW even after 'the Iraq thing.' Scary, but true, as these snake oil salesmen take over politics, and the gullible sheep say, 'Amen!', which isn't a problem until they vote in another GW.


Fam Guy said…
Again, this isn't anti-God or spirituality, just pointing out that many of the 'stories' in the Bible are just that, and politicians USE the gullible people who demand no proof behind obvious myths, for their own means.
ladyj said…
I don't believe the earth is 5,000 years old! It's billions of years old. That's a fact. There's nothing wrong in Spirituality or being a Christian, one just needs to remove the blinders. There's nothing wrong in having faith, but we do have doctors, too. Thee's right, wrong, and shades of gray. There's the GRACE.
Fam Guy said…
You conveniently left out Noah's Ark.
ladyj said…
The jury is still out on that one, although, the story is known worldwide, as told down through the ages of a catastrophic flood which covered the earth. It's up to the believer. There's proof, either way.
Fam Guy said…
Not even close. Talk to any geologist. There was NO worldwide flood, or anything resembling it. Total myth. It would have left a HUGE mark, that's not there.Not to mention the fact that all these animals would have returned to a vast mudbath, where they woulda starved. Totally stupid, and I can't believe anyone would believe it. It's one of many things I hate about organized religion. Trying to make myths into reality, when it's SO obvious it's not true. Not as bad as the story about the sun stopping, though, which is really about the earth not turning. If you can believe that, you are prime candidates for Repub bullshit, and there's lots of you out there. SO sad, but real...
ladyj said…
Archaecologists have recorded a world wide flood. Geologists have traced through various strata and fossils, found evidence of a world wide flood. Evidently you just haven't been looking in the right places. Being an ANTI person, you'll go to any length to prove there isn't, instead of searching for TRUTH, much like our government. You'd make a damn good lobbyist, Steve. Nice set of blinders you're wearing.
Fam Guy said…
Where do you get your info? I'd like a link to this world-wide flood you refer to.
Fam Guy said…
I have friends and relatives who are geologists and geo-physicists and they LAUGH at your world wide flood theory.
Fam Guy said…
I've Googled world wide flood and read many of the articles. The very few that provide 'evidence' for it are ridiculous and have an obvious agenda. http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/faq-noahs-ark.html#georecord
This site takes a scientific approach and lays out MANY reason why it is impossilbe, including no geologic record, AND, takes into account the sizes of the animals involved and concludes the ark would have to have been FIFTY times the size given in the bible, and goes on to give dozens of other reasons it is impossible. BUT, that won't won't stop hard-core believers who overlook all facts and say. 'It was a miracle'. No way to debate those sheep, and I don't care to.
ladyj said…
just bing was there a world wide flood? amd you will get non-biblical answers. There's plenty of evidence, but you won't want to read it because it blows your anti-sheep shit right out of the water! Friends or no friends, there's facts from all over the world, geological, fossils, uprooted trees, pancake layering thousands of miles in area, bones of whales hundreds of feet above sea level. Also the Mt. St Helens effect-read about that! You who thinks he knows so friggin much! God doesn't require proof, He just asks for faith, oh ye of little.
Fam Guy said…
You're like the anti-global warmers who look at 2% of the 'scientists' and discount the other 98% cuz it doesn't fit your notions. Of course there's crackpots out there that publish FOR a world-wide flood, but I doubt there's 2% of REAL scientists, though, that would agree with you. I know, I just need more 'faith', which is just another word for denying what your brain knows is true.
Fam Guy said…
BTW, the whale bones, uprooted trees, etc, mean there were oceans at different levels, which no one disagrees with. To extrapolate that to a world wide flood? Ridiculous, but I'll take it up with Santa Claus, who is somewhat of an expert on world wide geography.
Fam Guy said…
Why is there no mention of the Flood in the records of Egyptian or Mesopotamian civilizations which existed at the time? Biblical dates (I Kings 6:1, Gal 3:17, various generation lengths given in Genesis) place the Flood 1300 years before Solomon began the first temple. We can construct reliable chronologies for near Eastern history, particularly for Egypt, from many kinds of records from the literate cultures in the near East. These records are independent of, but supported by, dating methods such as dendrochronology and carbon-14. The building of the first temple can be dated to 950 B.C. +/- some small delta, placing the Flood around 2250 B.C. Unfortunately, the Egyptians (among others) have written records dating well back before 2250 B.C. (the Great Pyramid, for example dates to the 26th century B.C., 300 years before the Biblical date for the Flood). No sign in Egyptian inscriptions of this global flood around 2250 B.C.

Maybe they just forgot to mention it?
Fam Guy said…
How did the human population rebound so fast? Genealogies in Genesis put the Tower of Babel about 110 to 150 years after the Flood [Gen 10:25, 11:10-19]. How did the world population regrow so fast to make its construction (and the city around it) possible? Similarly, there would have been very few people around to build Stonehenge and the Pyramids, rebuild the Sumerian and Indus Valley civilizations, populate the Americas, etc.

I know, it was a 'miracle'. How could I be so stupid?
Fam Guy said…
How did all the fish survive? Some require fresh water, some need brackish water, some need ocean water, some need water even saltier. A flood would have destroyed at least some of these habitats.
Oh yeah, God modified all their bodies, with a wink of his eye. Never mind...
Fam Guy said…
Why is there no evidence of a flood in ice core series? Ice cores from Greenland have been dated back more than 40,000 years by counting annual layers. [Johnsen et al, 1992,; Alley et al, 1993] A worldwide flood would be expected to leave a layer of sediments, noticeable changes in salinity and oxygen isotope ratios, fractures from buoyancy and thermal stresses, a hiatus in trapped air bubbles, and probably other evidence. Why doesn't such evidence show up?

Duh, scientists are stupid?
Fam Guy said…
Why is there no evidence of a flood in tree ring dating? Tree ring records go back more than 10,000 years, with no evidence of a catastrophe during that time.

Duh, trees just won't cooperate?
Fam Guy said…
OK, that's ehough from me. But for every Bible myth, I can give you tons of REAL evidence against it, not that you and the sheep will believe it.
Anonymous said…
The Jews would take two goats to the alter and one would be sacrificed and the other would be the "scapegoat". The scapegoat, would then be taken up to the top of a mountain and pushed off. That was the Law of Moses. Quite possibly, you should have been that scapegoat, because you make about as much sense as that law.
I only hope, Steve that you and your anti Christian views do not corrupt your innocent granddaughter. Allow her to experience her own dreams and not cloud her mind with prejudgments of your own. That would be so sad.
Fam Guy said…
I should have been pushed off a mountain? That makes a lot of sense. If my granddaughter asks, I will give her my honest opinion. That is the my responsibility. However, I am not nec anti-Christian, but am against blindly believing Bible stories that are obviously not true, such as Noah's ark and the sun stopping for a massacre. Ridiculous, and I'll tell anyone who asks, including my granddaughter.
Anonymous said…
Believing myths=experiencing dreams?
Fam Guy said…
Nice try on the scapegoat story, anon, it's not at all accurate describing scapegoats, but serves as a great example how some people will believe anything. Maybe you should have quoted the story from 2nd Kings, about the bears coming out of the woods to kill the kids who made fun of the bald guy, if you wanted a way to kill me. At least that story is actually there, in that form, unlike your 2 goats story. I can see why you remain anonymous.
Fam Guy said…
Please, anon, give me more of your Bible wisdom to prove the value the stories contained there. It really helps make my point.
ladyj said…
The Day of Atonement is found in Leviticus Chapter 16 and it speaks about bringing 2 goats, choosing one to be slaughtered as a sin offering the other to be sent out into the desert as a scapegoat. In the New Testement Christ became the Sin Offering forever, not just for 1 year, as the Jews do at Yom Kippur.
Fam Guy said…
Scapegoat- Since this goat is sent away to perish,[8] the word "scapegoat" has come to mean a person who is blamed and punished for the sins, crimes or sufferings of others, generally as a way of distracting attention from the real causes.
"Thrown off a mountain'?
ladyj said…
Perry Stone, a minister and one who has studied the Old Testament indepth, has stated in one of his books, goats were taken to a mountain and thrown off, but Leviticus says to the desert. I have the Living Bible. The King James may say otherwise. But the scapegoat does take the sins, as Christ did on the cross. Of that, there is no doubt. The real cause of mans suffering is MAN and his need to have it all at any price. It's called Original SIN.
Fam Guy said…
And that means I should be thrown off a mountain cuz I don't believe the obvious myths in the Bible, and am not afraid to say it? It just never ceases to amaze me, that otherwise semi-intelligent people can say they believe stuff that is such obvious fantasy. C'mon, just use the brain you were born with.
ladyj said…
Believe me Son, throwing you off a mountain for shits and giggles, just cuz you're the most stubborn cuss I do believe I've ever run across. That'd be a bit difficult because I'd have to catch you first and to be quite honest, you're just not worth the chase.

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