Bleeding the Beast

as the practice is called, involves having the 'Satanic' gov't of the US, pay for Fundamentalist Mormon upkeep, and is considered virtuous, by the practioners. Colorado City, AZ, which is nearly exclusively Fundamentalist Mormon, last year, had over 4,000 residents that were enrolled in state health care, reportedly costing the state about $8 million a year.
An in-depth report published in the Daily Courier notes that about half of the fundamentalists in Colorado City receive food stamps, compared to five percent statewide, costing just over $3 million a year.
The report continues, noting that a mere five years ago there were no Colorado City children getting child care assistance, but last year the number stood at about 200 – which cost the state another $600,000. These benefits are paid to care-providers who are related to the children, so sometimes one wife can get paid for taking care of another wife’s kids. In all, Colorado City gets back about eight dollars in benefits for every dollar the residents pay in state taxes, while for the rest of Mohave County, Arizona the ration is near one-to-one. This is on top of federal gov't welfare and benefits. This 'bleeding the beast' is typical of Fundamentalist Mormon communities. Mainstream Mormons disassociate themselves from the Fundamentalists.


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