I've noticed,

in looking at my blog readership stats, that I have been getting a high number of hits from Malaysia and Indonesia, lately, ahead of Canada and the UK, which is unusual. I'm wondering if Angie or Karen, or maybe the pharmacist and his wife, may have come across my blog and are reading and or looking at pics from our trip. They were interesting, intelligent people, (cute, too) who spoke great English, that we finally got to know toward the end of our trip. We had immediate 'common ground' when they laughed when I asked if they had FOXNews in their homeland. Found out a lot about a part of the world I knew nothing about. Since I began posting pics and narrative about our trip, my international readership has gone way up, as well as getting hits from the same old crowd. Is only within the last year that I realized I could click on 'Stats' and "Audience' on my blog homepage, and see some interesting stuff. I had no idea who, and how many, ( about a hundred per day) read my stuff. Interesting...


Jaime said…
Congrats on the stats, Bro.

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