One of the reasons I like to travel,

is that it broadens my horizons and helps me see my own world, in a different way. Last time I was overseas, Obama had just defeated GWBush for prez and it was easy to start a conversation just by mentioning the election. Bush was universally detested. I would use this common bond as a starting point to get to know the locals. This time, to rapidly gauge someone, I would mention something about having access to FOXNews where they lived, and judge their reaction. Again, with the locals and tour group members from around the world, we were in perfect agreement. People were familiar with FOX, and said things like, "No, we would rather watch REAL news.' Or, 'I would watch FOX if I only wanted to see one side of things.' And, from a Malaysian pharmacist, 'We think their slogan is very funny,' and, 'When will Obama realize the Republicans will never agree to ANYTHING he says or does, so why even try?' Once you find commonality with people it is easy to get a conversation started, and mentioning FOX never failed. At least FAUX News is good for SOMETHING.


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