If you ever doubted

the Repub/FOX disconnect to reality/average people, just look at the knee jerk (and I do mean JERK) reaction to Obama stating the obvious about big oil companies in a speech this morning. He had the audacity to say that Big Oil, after record profits in the tens of billions (per QUARTER) don't need billions of dollars in gov't handouts, in the form of oil depletion allowances and tax rebates. Right away, the Repub mouthpiece, FOXNews, screams this is the wrong time (like there'd ever a right time) 'raise taxes on business'. WTF? With $4/gal gas and record profits I don't think Big Oil needs gov't handouts, but of course I don't look at the world like FOX/Repubs, who are out to gouge every penny out of the system, which could go toward fixing the economy, which might help Obama win the election. Different priorities, obviously.


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