Is really funny

as Romney and the other Repub clowns try to 'talk' and 'be' Southern, to relate to the yokels in AL and MS, as they fight for the Pub nomination. We all know these, and the other Bible Belt states are gonna go Repub, as they have the lowest income/education states 'wrapped up' in the national election. Ain't gonna vote for them 'collidge edgicated elitists', that's fur durn sure. Yup, the Pubs have that part of the world, where the family tree is 'missing a bunch of branches', all sewn up and in the bank. Dems need not apply....


Fam Guy said…
The South, where people are stuck, cuz they can't sell the nicest house in town, for 100k, and have the option to move away, where they can't afford an apt, SO they're stuck there. Nothing new...

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