In typical FOX fashion,

they continue to just 'make it up', and report it as news.

Fox News host Eric Bolling said on Tuesday that Sandra Fluke, the law student who has become famous for being attacked by Rush Limbaugh, was part of an elaborate White House plan to distract voters from the economy.
President Obama and his "allies in the press" were "trying to pull a fast one on you," he said. Calling Fluke a "foot soldier" for the White House, he added, "President Obama, on the ropes with the economy and specifically with women voters, gets Mrs. Fluke to create a controversy, and the liberal media puppets play along as scripted." What a plan! Get Rush to call her a slut and prostitute. That Obama is a genius!

FOXNews, just when you think they can't sink any lower, the 'Fair and Balanced' team never disappoints.


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