except the sheep, of course, that FOXNews doesn't have a clue, when it comes to political reporting or prognostication, which was proven, AGAIN, when the legitimate media said Romney would lose, but FOX proclaimed he would be the definite winner. Even after the votes were in and counted, Rove and his minions screamed 'mistake!' Now, following in the tradition of 'cluelessness', one of their heroes, Charles 'The Kraut" Krauthammer, has this to say about Hilary. "I think she is going to be rather weak if she decides to run, which I think she likely is, she will be a relatively weak opponent, and Republicans, I think, are going to have a really good shot at the White House." Just when you think the clowns at FOX can't get any more ridiculous, they'll prove you wrong, AGAIN. Yup, them poor Dems just don't have a strong candidate for prez in 2016. They're stuck with Hilary, who's 'weak', as a candidate, and the Pubs h...