Instead of reporting

on the very obvious 'friction' in the Repub party, after Ryan and Boehner stood up (finally) to the whack jobs in the Tea Party, FOXNews blamed the mainstream media (called that for a reason) for creating a split in the GOP. Are you kidding? Same old crap from the propaganda arm of the Pubs, spinning the facts for their advantage, but this should be obvious even to casual observers. A small faction of the minority party has had WAY too much power, for WAY too long, as they have promoted their devisive agenda, funded by anonymous deep pockets that were opened up by the outrageous 'Citizens United' ruling, by the Repub controlled Supreme Court. With no danger of losing future elections in their Gerrymandered districts, they have lined their pockets, with huge contributions from the Koch Bros of the world, while paralyzing the gov't with their FAR-right demands, knowing they couldn't succeed, but wreaking havoc nonetheless, at the expense of the American public. Finally, a little good news out of Washington, as we aren't entering into another 'shutdown', engineered by the Tea Party whackos and supported by FOXNews.
 Update! Nevermind, they're back to the same old crap...


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