Stretching his 15 minutes of fame,

earned by going on rabid rants against 'all things Obama/Dem', Rick Santelli, the Tea Party favorite of CNBC, had another of his typical interviews today. FIrst of all he finds a like-minded clown, introduces him as being 'really smart', then feeds him questions he knows they agree on, then congratulates himself for being 'really smart' also. His main bitching point? Fed caused inflation! Rick and his minions have been claiming, for MANY years, that the Fed's bond-buying stimulus program, QE, or quantitaive easing, which has the Feds buying their own higher interest bonds, creating lower interest bonds, therefore helping the economy and lowering national debt, is gonna cause runaway inflation. Guess what Rick? You've been WRONG for five years and you're STILL wrong. There is no noticable inflation ANYWHERE, except in corn based commodities, because of Bush's ethanol fisaco. In fact, deflation is the main problem, and Bernanke has saved the economy that Bush nearly killed, while the stock market has more than doubled. Doesn't matter to the Tea Party darling, who still claims inflation is there waiting, ready to spring like a rattlesnake. How many years in a row you gotta proven wrong, before you finally admit it? Just like a broken clock, someday he might be right, but for the last several years, he just proves what an idiot he and his ilk actually are. Only a matter of time 'til he ends up on FOX, where they can all congratulate themselves for being 'really smart', while the real world laughs at them.


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