Time for some 'end of the year'

self-congratulation, from the propagandists at FOX.

"Fox News Channel revolutionized the news industry. Now, 17 years later, we take a special look at the mission, the biggest moments, the team and talent that make it all happen!"

Yes, they 'revolutionized' it, as in becoming the ONLY news(?) agency that PAID (over a hundred million dollars) to cable networks to broadcast their 'Fair and Balanced' (funniest slogan EVER) version of what the right-wing sheep will swallow, instead of real news, and therefor 'catapult the crap' that will insure the propagation of right-wing dogma. And it's worked! There is a certain segment that actually made the conscious decision to avoid 'mainstream media', (cuz they are too biased?) and substitute Rupert Murdoch's view of 'what should be'. Wow. You can't make this stuff up, like FOX does, but, it's totally understandable (just not ethical) when you realize the HUGE amount of money that is involved in politics and gov't.


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