Good article today,

 about the ongoing tragedy in Iraq, where over 2700 people have been killed, just since April, that is totally ignored by FOX. The country that Bush/Cheney 'broke' with their 'shock and awe' campaign. The 'Oops, No WMD's' war continues to explode in sectarian violence. They broke it and we bought it, to the tune of several TRILLION dollars, that went mostly to big defense contractors. 'The Dick' Cheney says, 'I wouldn't change a thing', and continues to be a hero to the right wing and FOXNews where he is continually featured as an 'expert' who bitches about Obama and the Dem's foreign policy. And the sheep eat it up....
Good quote, just out.
After W. and Dick Cheney ignored warnings of an Al Qaeda strike, they proliferated a mind-set that there was no step too far to protect us from that happening again, be it attacking a country that hadn’t attacked us, torturing, warrantless wiretapping, spying Stasi-style on our allies or denying prisoners due process.


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