Interesting program

on 'Sunday Morning', this week, about a a guy forging wine labels as part of a big scam to dupe high dollar wine collectors. To me, though, the really interesting part was an interview with one of the Koch brothers, who funnel hundreds of millions to rightwing organizations 'buying' protection for their businesses and personal fortunes, now that the Repub controlled Supreme Court OK'd legal corruption in the Citizens United decision where, 'Corporations Are People', and can give UNlimited, UNtraceable $$'s to their fav politicians. Gotta love them Pubs.... Anyway, this Koch Bro had just lost tens of millions in the wine scam, BUT, the interesting part was his house, where American consumer money goes to die. Every possible space on every wall was covered in world class art, with Renoirs, Picassos, Monets, etc, that were lost to museums and the public, forever. Then we went to his wine cellar, where he had over FORTY THOUSAND bottles of collectable wine. But, the most amazing part, was this was only one of SEVERAL houses he owns, set up the same way. He's just one of several Koch Bros, who 'legally' buy public 'servants', with million dollar checks, to protect their lifestyle and Repub policy at the expense of the rapidly disappearing middle class. The 'Bush Buddies' sucked 'discretionary income' out of American families as everyone paid approx $4/gal for gas that used to cost less than a dollar. At least we were able see where the $$$ 'trickles down' to, as in,  private art galleries and high end wine merchants. The most amazing part? FOX has conned the sheep into believing the Pubs 'speak for them'. Are you kidding?


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