FOXNews is continuing

it's nonstop attack on Obama, mostly because he tried to provide affordable health care to the ONLY developed nation in the world where sickness or injury can (and does) wreck you, financially, forever. The Pubs did manage to screw it up SO bad (fighting the One Payer system) that it was guaranteed to be a HUGE problem, which they now LOVE to bitch about. Their guy, who wrecked the economy, cut home values and IRA's by 40% and lied us into 2 unpaid for wars? (Ooops, no WMD's)? No Problem, everyone makes mistakes. The NSA, which they also love to scream about, was a gift from W, after his crew ignored the 'Bin Laden determined to strike the US, using commercial planes' memo. AND, they love to bitch about 'taxes going up on the wealthy', BUT, the higher tax rate is merely the return to normal after Bush's 'temporary' tax cut for the most wealthy, as part of his totally disproven 'trickle down' theory, and the ongoing war on the disappearing middle class. Nothing new here, but still gets REAL old....


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