Any politician, who's constantly in the spotlight,

is bound to occasionally screw up. Just look at GW, for an extreme example. BUT, Colorado guv John Hickenlooper has made very few major mistakes, becoming governor after a stellar business career. However, he's had a couple BIG ones. Worst, was his decision to delay the execution of Nathan Dunlap, a convicted killer who was sentenced to death, and by all accounts, deserved to be killed, if anyone does. Hick had personal qualms about the death penalty, but it was political suicide, obvious at the time, for him to commute the sentence. His other mistake was backtracking after implementing rules on gun control, (and kissing NRA butt), after the public voted for the new rules.
Compare this to all the good he's done, leading Colorado's economy to the TOP, in the US. Pubs love to tar him with everything they don't like about Obama and the Dems, but that's just not realistic. The same Pubs who are 'right to lifers' and professed Christians (of the Thou shalt not kill' variety) are clamoring for the guv's head cuz he hesitated to kill another human being. C'mon, let's have some consistency. BUT, that's what Repubs are about, when they smell blood in the water...


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