The Pubs and FOXNews,

(one and the same), have been preaching/screaming/predicting, for MANY years now, that QE3, the govt action necessary to save the financial system after the disaster of the Bush years, which was BY FAR the worst since the Great Depression, would wreck our economy and unleash runaway inflation by the time it ended, AND, cause interest rates to soar. WELL, it ended yesterday. The market was up over 200 points today, inflation-related commodities are tanking, and the govt is rightfully MUCH more concerned with deflation. SO, will the Tea Party types, of the world, admit they were/are TOTALLY wrong? Of course not! QE3 did it's job, giving us a soft lamding from the financial chaos of 2008, when the market and housing tanked, with unemployment soaring. NOW, the Pubs are bitchin cuz Obama/Dems didn't fix their mess, 'Fast enough', saying that 'other recoveries' were much faster and bigger. Bullshit! There hasn't been anything comparable to the 'Bush Mess' since the Great Depression, and we are slowly but surely recovering, with absolutely ZERO help from the clowns who caused it. Same old crap from the 'usual suspects' as they dodge all responsibilty from the disaster they caused and can't wait to get back in control of the institutions they pillaged. Bill O'Reilly IS right about something, finally. Most Americans ARE stupid esp when it comes to govt and finances.


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