Much like Mitt Romney

and countless other Repubs, Cory Gardner earned his political stripes by being a hardcore rightwinger as he was elected by the Tea Party types of rural Colorado. Then, when the Pubs needed a good-looking, 'aw shucks' type candidate with a winning smile, he flipflopped on most of his 'core postions', lied when necessary and tried to appeal to the low information voters as a 'middle of the road' country gentleman, who is willing to compromise to make the country better for all. What a joke, as the Pubs steal the American Dream from the rpaidly disappearing middle class. He is still the ultraconservative lapdog of Big Oil and Big Money who want to control US politics so they can control the laws and largesse that flows for them. It's actually funny to see Cory claim he's NOT the author and supporter of a 'Personhood' amendment that would ban ALL abortion and many forms of birth control, while HIS name is on the bill, and he claims to be an 'agent of compromise' after he voted with his Pub cronies (while in the House) to shut down the gov't last year, in a temper tantrum that cost little people BIG bucks. Cory Gardner, this year's Mitt Romney, with the 'made for TV' big smile and 'newly found' beliefs, ready to say whatever it takes, to get votes from the sheep who actually believe the FOX/Repub BS, as they steal the American Dream, from the dwindling middle class.


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