There are many things

I REALLY don't like about the Repub Party, including the fact they are total hypocrites when it comes to spending and fiscal responsibilty. When they spend trillions on wars, based on lies and hundreds of billions bailing out their 'Big Money Bank Buddies', no problemo... although if Obama wants dollars for education, job training, scientific research, much needed infrastructure, etc, 'It's time for austerity', according to them. BUT, I think one of the worst things they've done, other than shutting down the gov't to protest Obamacare, after voting FIFTY times to defund, KNOWING it couldn't be done, is the way they fillibustered the attempts to deal with student loans, where 'Big Money' and the govt is making BILLIONS of dollars in interest from students, while those same young adults can't afford to home ownership, and other necessities to make our economy work. For the Pubs, it's all about the 1%, while they stomp on the middle class. If I were a 'one percenter', I'd definitely vote Pub. It's the other 99% I can't understand...


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