Getting your political news from FOX

is like getting racial relationship policy from the KKK, environmental facts from the Koch bros, humanitarian policy from North Korea, foreign policy from 'The Dick' Cheney, election forecasting from Karl Rove, geography from 'The Flat Earth Society', birth control advice from the Vatican, QB tips from Tim Tebow, nutrition advice from Paula Dean, fashion tips from the Amish, integrity advice from a lawyer, BBQ recipes from a vegan, anthropoly from the Bible, swimming lessons from a bowling ball, retirement advice from a fruit fly, English lessons and marital advice from Arnold Schwatztenegger, financial advice from Rick Santelli, nude photos of the Golden Girls, acting lessons from the 3 Stooges, marital advice from the pope, intellectual guidance from GWBush, investment advice from Bernie Madoff, travel plans involving West Africa, hair styling tips from Donald Trump, AND, I could go on and on, but maybe you get it. Unless you're a sheep, then you're wondering where this is going....


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